
the 15 essential laws of leadership

You will agree that life is full of ups and downs and we all face bad experiences at some point. It is natural that we want to avoid these challenging situations, but sometimes we cannot avoid them and we must learn to deal with them effectively.

Es cierto que las malas experiencias pueden ser oportunidades de aprendizaje y crecimiento. A menudo, las lecciones más valiosas de la vida provienen de superar desafíos y adversidades. Además, las “historias de guerra” que acumulamos a lo largo de nuestras vidas pueden inspirar a otros y fortalecer nuestras propias habilidades de resiliencia.

The idea of having a plan for personal growth is excellent. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and opportunities is essential to moving in the direction you want in life. Some topics that we will analyze in this workshop are essential for this process and will allow you to incorporate the laws of leadership, with questions such as:

Where are you? Identifying your starting point is crucial to charting a path toward your goals.

Where do you want to be? Defining your objectives and goals is the first step to planning your growth.

Which direction do you want to go? This relates to your personal values and priorities.

How far do you imagine you can go? We often underestimate our capabilities; It is important to believe in yourself and your potential.

How long will it take you? Setting a realistic schedule will help you stay focused and motivated.

Remember that personal growth is a continuous process. As you move toward your goals, it's important to be willing to adapt and learn from experiences, both positive and negative. Resilience and the ability to learn from bad experiences are valuable skills that can help you achieve your goals and have a more fulfilling life.

Warning: Attendance at this workshop is crucial. No refunds will be made in case of no-shows.

  • Date : 9 de October de 2023
  • Time : 9:00 am - 10:30 am (UTC-7)
  • Reg. Deadline : 8 de October de 2023 9:00 AM
  • Venue : Array

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