
Leadership workshop

With this workshop you have a valuable opportunity to explore and develop leadership skills.
Leadership is influence, it is establishing your priorities. It largely tries to influence others to achieve common goals. Understanding your priorities will help you lead effectively.

You've heard the phrases "A leader is born" or "a leader is made." Most leadership experts argue that leadership is a combination of innate traits and skills that can be developed over time. Both views are valid, as some people may have a natural talent for leadership, but leadership skills can also be improved and learned.

In this workshop we will cover topics such as:

  • The Qualities of a Leader: The qualities of a leader can vary, but some common ones include effective communication, empathy, decision-making skills, vision, integrity, and the ability to inspire others.
  • The Qualities of a Manager: Managers often need specific skills to manage people and resources efficiently. Some important qualities are organization, planning, decision making, time management and delegation.
  •  The Importance of being a developed leader to start a business: You don't have to be a fully developed leader to start a business, but having strong leadership skills can be an advantage. Starting a business involves leading and making decisions, so learning about leadership is undoubtedly useful.
  •  What type of leadership to develop to manage others: The type of leadership you should develop depends on your personality, your objectives and the situations in which you find yourself.

Some examples of leadership styles include transformational leadership, authoritarian leadership, participative leadership, among others. The workshop will explore these styles in detail.

Who benefits from this workshop?

The workshop is designed to benefit a wide range of people, from those looking to improve themselves to entrepreneurs and managers who want to improve their leadership skills.

Including exercises and group discussions is a great way to encourage interactive learning and self-reflection.
In general, the focus on leadership is essential in many areas of life, whether in the personal or business sphere. Learning about different leadership styles and how to apply them in specific situations is very beneficial for personal and professional growth.

Warning: Attendance at this workshop is crucial. No refunds will be made in case of no-shows.

  • Date : September 25, 2023
  • Time : 9:00 am - 11:30 am (UTC-8)
  • Reg. Deadline : September 24, 2023 9:00 AM

Purchase Ticket

Entrada GRATIS 25 Septiembre 2023 9:00 AM


Liderenti -Contact us -Vancouver (360) 718-8844 -Portland (971) 242-8939

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